Sunday, November 16, 2014

Extensive Reading in Japanese (1-2 cr)

みなさん、らいがっき (next semester)に なにをべんきょうしますか?                        
どんなクラスを とりますか (to take)?

にほんごのExtensive Readingのクラスが ありますよ! 

Extensive Reading in Japanese II (1-2 cr): Thursday, 4:30-5:20/6:10 pm

In this course, students choose their own Japanese reading materials from the Hesburgh Library Collection (First Floor Fish Bowl) and read them independently at their own pace using the extensive reading method. Tadoku (extensive reading) means to read books for students’ own pleasure, at a difficulty level at which they can read smoothly and quickly without looking up words or translating. We have graded readers (Level 0~5), picture books, comic essays, manga, etc. Even 1st Yr students will be able to find books at their level. Additional activities, such as group discussions, journal writing, presentations, and shadowing may be incorporated into the class.


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Summer Program Session

11/17( げつようび)に、日本ごのサマープログラムミーティングがあります。If you are interested in studying Japanese over summer, you are strongly encouraged to join us. You can also review their websites (see the 'summer program' links on this class blog page).

If you have questions, please contact はなぶさ先生。

Monday, 11/17 
5:30-6:30PM (right after our Language Table)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

ブログのしゅくだい---Due 11/12 すいようび

アメリカのと ちがいますか(different)?
そして、ブログに、みなさんのアメリカのうち(へや)について かいてください。

1)Learn about Japanese houses by
         - checking relavant websites
         - reading your textbook p176-177
         - watching the Blog HW Video (Sakai: Resources → Homework) 

2)Compare American houses and Japanese ones and find similarities and differences
        Think "WHY" (i.e. Typical Japanese houses have at least one rice cooker. "WHY?").

3)Post a blog entry about American houses (rooms) for the Japanese audience. Introduce things in your house/ room, and if possible/ necessary explain why.

4)Use various adjectives, verbs and grammar structures.
Please remember, people from Japan could be checking your blog. Make sure that you introduce unique features of American houses for them.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Celebrate Asia

11月(がつ) 9日(ここのか) の 日曜日(にちようび) に、Celebrate Asiaがあります。

Date: 11/9 (にちようび)
Time: ごご2じ~
Location: LaFortune Ball Room

日本(にほん)と中国(ちゅうごく)、韓国(かんこく)の文化(ぶんか;culture)ブース(booth)があります。たべもの もあります♪